jueves, 1 de mayo de 2008

Carrot(zanahoria). Potato .Tomato .Spinach.Lettuce(lechuga). Chard (Acelga). Red chard. Broccoli. Kale (col) Cabbage (col) Pepper(pimiento).Pea(guisante).Bean(alubias). Green Bean. Asparagus.Beet(remolacha). Beetroot.Sugar beet. Celery (acelga). Onion(cebolla). Garlic(ajo). Cucumber (pepino). Gherkin (pepinillo) Artichoke(alcachofa) Aubergine (berenjena). Cauliflower. Parsley (peregil). Pumpkin (calabaza) – Juice and Squash(zumo).
Reading about vegetables:
I love eating vegetables. Do you? Why do people eat vegetables?
They taste good. They´re good for you. And they´re fun, too!
There are lots of different vegetables. And there are lots of different ways to eat them. It´s good to eat fruit or vegetables five times a day.
Vegetables are good for your body and some part of the body for example: eyes, hair and skin. They help your blood and your muscles.
Vegetables are: res, green, black, white, purple, yellow. Orange, brown and pink.
Some vegetables are hard other soft.
Different vegetables grow in different places around the world: In Mexico people eat cactus leaves. In Japan people eat seaweed in sushi. In Brazil people eat cassavas.
¿What´s your favourite vegetables?... Some vegetables are noisy. Mala is eating celery Listen!
Find new ways to eat your favourite vegetables! Salads, soups, stir-fry, salsa.
Eat your favourite vegetables every day! And try a new vegetable today, too!

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